This was a lovely, yet strange Mother’s Day. It’s the first one that I wasn’t able to spend with my mom.
I received a pink gold-coated rose from my husband and children. I get one in a different color for Mother’s Day every year.

I also had a Snickers donut for (a late) breakfast, which is totally unlike me – diet or not.

After opening cards, calling my mom and hanging out, I asked for Falafel Bistro for lunch. It was delicious, as usual

On the way to bring my mom her cards (we had a gift delivered weeks ago), we stopped at Starbucks to bring her her favorite drink: iced decaf coffee with sugar-free vanilla syrup.
We stayed there to talk for a little while, from a safe social distance. We didn’t stay long, because it was rainy all day, and we didn’t go inside because my dad wasn’t feeling well.
I took a short nap and woke up to find more goodies from my MSD adoptive family.

This was honestly the nicest Mother’s Day I’ve had in a very long time. There was no pressure to go anywhere or make decisions of what I wanted to do. I was with the people who I love the most, and who mean the world to me. I couldn’t ask for more than that.